Join the DOOM Box Tamer waitlist!
Are you an ADHDer (or suspect that you are) experiencing one or more of the following?
You’ve got at least half a dozen clutter piles and/or DOOM (Didn’t Organize, Only Moved) boxes
You feel guilty and ashamed about them
You’re overwhelmed and don’t know where to start clearing them out
Clearing one out feels super hard and scary and you fear that you’ll end up just moving things around without knowing what to do with them
…you’ve tried to get organized by taking it all out to be sorted but you’ve just ended up with a bigger mess…
…you don’t really have the time or the energy to take on massive decluttering projects…
… THEN you’ve probably been following neurotypical organizing advice that’s incompatible with your brain type!
Good news!! DOOM Box Tamer - an ADHD-friendly online program and tool that I’m developing will be just the thing you need!
Here's what a beta tester just commented:
"Ooooeeeeee. I'm SO happy! My entry way hasn't been this clean in MONTHS!
So by signing up on the wait list below, you'll get an email when DOOM Box Tamer is released! And you'll get a surprise gift right away, too!